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6 Smart Google SEO Tactics Every Marketer Should Know

In Blog by A. Lee Judge

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must for any company. Being findable in a sea of information, products, and endless options are critical, so your company can reel in clients that already have commercial intent. To rank in google and other search engines, there are quite a number of different factors that come into play. This will determine how far down the list you are as a search result for a query.

Some of the things that are taken into account are available in this infographic (that I love) dubbed The Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors. While there is no specific science to it, there are a few things that you can do to make sure interested buyers find your site when they are searching online.

Here’s the “6 Smart Google SEO Tactics Every Marketer Should Know” Infographic:

6 Smart Google SEO Tactics Infographic

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Have Long Interesting Blog Posts

Having a blog post that is at least 1,800 words will help you rank highly in comparison with one that is shorter. This is because it will contain more information which is likely to be more useful and relevant to the reader. It goes without saying that the content you provide will be considered relevant if it is original and not a repetition of other existing posts.

Build Backlinks

Another backlink tip is to find articles that link to your competitors. Build better and fresher content, then let those other sites know about your better content. Show them that you have better information and offer your link as a replacement.

Infographics are a great way to generate traffic to your website, this can help you gain backlinks. Infographics have become very popular lately because they are easy to share and are easy to understand.

You will need to do a little research for data and stats to show in your infographic. Just remember, if the content you have on your site is interesting, people will more than likely want to link back to your site.

Learn A Few Tricks

Yes, we said there is no real science to ranking high on search engines, but there are a few tricks. Simple things like using numbers and [ brackets ] in the title along with using short URLs and having share buttons above the text are ways that can boost your content’s performance on the web.

Improve Site Speed

The time it takes to load data and get info is critical to search engine optimization, it will often more than likely, determine if the user will stay on the site for a long time. The user experience is definitely affected by slow speed. Users will most likely not be inclined to revisit a slow website in the future.

Improve Engagement With Clients To Better Your Ranking

Engaging with the people on your site will increase the percentage rates of them staying on your page, clicking on links, and browsing throughout the site. Getting and keeping the attention of the user is the goal. Social metrics are taken into account; the number of tweets, likes, and shares that a page has. This means replying, liking their posts, and keeping the momentum going.

Primary, Secondary and Related Keywords

The correct use of keywords is at the center of SEO. It can generate traffic to different parts of your website, your social media accounts, and sites related to the field you are in. But don’t just stick to the first keyword that comes to mind (or research).

Also include secondary, synonym, and related keywords. Here’s an example – Let’s say you are a real estate company and your primary keyword is “real estate”. Your secondary could be “property” and your related could be “home” or even “school ratings”.

Want to learn more? Talk to a professional at Content Monsta!

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