8 Ways Video Boosts Marketing Strategy

Video Marketing is Effective (Here are 8 Reasons Why)

In Blog by A. Lee Judge

Video marketing should be a top priority in your business strategy and why video marketing is effective. To support this, I’ll give you 8 reasons why video is not just “nice to have” but a must in your marketing plans.

 Using video as an integrated part of your marketing plan is a smart move. In a successful video marketing campaign, video allows a business to add a voice, a face, and a much clearer explanation of what a company is trying to convey or sell.

Here are 8 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Effective

1. Cost-Effective:

Video technology and production have become far more affordable for even the smallest business. The price of creating and promoting videos can start as low as the cost of your smartphone and the editing software that came with your laptop.

With a bit of skill, you can even use free or low-priced apps on your phone to create professional-looking videos within minutes, and often publish them directly to Facebook or YouTube. Even stepping into the league of professional video production can be done around $2,000, so if you are serious about marketing your business – professional-looking video is within your reach.

2. Video Shows Great ROI:

In terms of your Return on Investment, investing in video production and content is a very sensible move, as the costs are now minimal and the returns can be extremely high. Beyond marketing, it has been proven to boost sales, resulting in an increase in total revenue generated.

Of businesses already using video, 83% of those businesses say that video provides a good return on investment. Plus, you have to consider that video can be repurposed into most other forms of digital content, yielding additional ROI.

3. Video Marketing Improves SEO:

Video content is great for your SEO – (Search Engine Optimization) Video in your SEO strategy will pay off with Google and other search engines to help your website become more visible.

According to Comscore, adding a video to your website can improve the likelihood of a front-page Google result by 53 times. In addition, according to Google, almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.

4. Video Resonates In Ways Plain Text And Static Images Cannot:

Online video quickly rose as the main channel for accessing information (and entertainment) because of its ability to tell a story in an emotionally compelling manner, compared to other forms of content. As far back as 2015, an Animoto survey revealed that 4 times as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it.

This contributes to why video has been shown to increase the length of time people spend on your website. From a psychological standpoint, this reason supports video marketing effectiveness the most.

5. Videos drive engagement and conversion:

Video marketing is effective because it utilizes the most shareable type of content today. And because videos communicate information better than other kinds of content, they more quickly convey trust in a brand or product. This trust is then shared at a substantially higher rate than other forms of content.

A study by EyeViewDigital.com showed that including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%. For retail sites, video viewers are almost 2x more likely to purchase after seeing a video of the product than non-viewers.

6. Reach:

Businesses can reach out to a much wider audience with video than the audience who might typically look at your website. First of all, video is shareable and can grow legs of its own. Most of the time your video will be hosted by one of the major video hosting sites like YouTube, Wistia, Vidyard, or Vimeo.

With YouTube especially, you have the backing of its owner, Google, to assist your video in showing up in the world’s most popular search engine.

7. Longevity:

Good video content will last for a long time. A well-optimized YouTube video will be available to show up in search results for years. Not to belittle the life of text in this case, but the trend toward people watching more video supports this case. The chances of the video popping up in the future are much greater than text.

8. Video Marketing in Email:

Video isn’t just about the moving images itself. Video marketing in email has been proven to increase open rates and click-through rates. Adding a video thumbnail in your email not only adds imagery to the email, but it also gives the recipient an incentive to visit your website or immediately watch your product in action.

Why Video marketing is effective

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In a nutshell, the idea that video marketing is effective is no longer a hard sell. It is becoming more widespread and affordable partly because of advances in technology and also because it is easy to spread and share. This is the essence of video marketing.

If you have not yet experienced the power of video marketing as part of your business development strategy, this is the time to change that. Video marketing through platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other evolving platforms is growing exponentially each year. Video content will no longer be a nice “extra” to offer your consumers but will require holding a vital place in your marketing strategy.

And if you found this helpful, please pass it along to others! If you need help with your video marketing efforts, please contact us.

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