Ardath Albee - Business of Marketing Podcast

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy and Content with Ardath Albee

In The Business of Marketing Podcast by A. Lee Judge

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Ardath Albee and A. Lee Judge chat about how B2B organizations should think about personas, the type of content B2B companies need to create, and how they can be more relatable through strategic content.
Although Business to Consumer marketing can be exciting, Business to Business (or B2B) is where it gets fun for me. Maybe because of the challenge, maybe because of the complexity, or maybe because I just really understand the B2B dynamic.
The best part is getting to geek out and talk B2B marketing with experts in the industry and today is one of those days.
Today’s guest has over 30 years of business management and marketing experience in helping B2B companies use digital marketing strategy and compelling content to turn prospects into buyers.
She’s a strategist, storyteller, speaker, blogger, and author, who is obsessed with helping companies become relevant.
Let’s get into the conversation and welcome to the podcast, Ardath Albee!
Conversation points:
  • How should B2B organizations think about personas today and how it may differ from what they may have done even 5 years ago?
  • When we were heading into the recession in 2009, did you see companies pull back on marketing or did they dig in deeper with their marketing efforts? And is now the time for companies to shift more budget to marketing
  • Ardath, you work with B2B organization on their strategy and when it comes time to talk about content, what is the door-opener for convincing the traditional C-Suite that the long game of Content Marketing is worth it?
  • Can you speak to some of the ways that even B2B companies can become more human and relatable to their customer in order to “Pull” interest rather than “Push” products and services?

Thanks for listening to The Business of Marketing podcast.

Feel free to contact the hosts and ask additional questions, we would love to answer them on the show.

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