Andy Crestodina - Business of Marketing Podcast Clip - Unlock the Power of Research

Unlock the Power of Research: Leverage Expert Knowledge to Elevate Your Content with Andy Crestodina

In Blog by A. Lee Judge

Research is a “magical, almost all-powerful format for content.” I agree with Andy Crestodina on this completely. 

If you are looking for ways to drive more traffic to your website and increase your website’s authority, then you should consider incorporating original research into your content strategy.

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Original research, as the name suggests, is the process of gathering new data to answer questions or fill gaps in your industry. It provides valuable insights and statistics that support your content, making it stand out from the rest.

When you publish original research, you’re adding value to the internet and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

To start with, ask yourself, “What is the missing statistic in my industry?” or “What is frequently asserted but rarely supported in my field?” You can conduct surveys, gather data, or perform experiments to answer these questions.

Listen to the Full Episode


For example, you can answer questions like “What features are most popular on websites?” or “What is the average time it takes to write a blog post?” These answers will provide new and unique information that will set your content apart.

In addition to being a valuable source of information for your audience, original research also provides opportunities for backlinks and increased visibility. When other websites and journalists reference your research, it supports your website’s ranking and authority.

So, if you’re looking to enhance your SEO strategy and create more valuable content, consider incorporating original research into your content plan. By becoming the primary source for new information, you can establish yourself as a thought leader and drive more traffic to your website.

Check out the full episode with Andy Crestodina.

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