Andy Crestodina - Business of Marketing Podcast

Website Updates – What Matters Most in Design and Development with Andy Crestodina

In The Business of Marketing Podcast by A. Lee Judge

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In this episode, Andy Crestodina and A. Lee Judge discuss the relationship between content marketing and web development.

Andy gives additional insight into web design vs web development, how to properly optimize a website, content marketing, and how educating his audience has translated into business value.

Conversation points:

  • How has your generosity in educating your audience translated into business value?
  • From a content marketing and web development standpoint – what do you say when you see a website, that is still more “brochure” than “content”?
  • Can you talk to us for a moment about the difference and perhaps some of the misunderstandings that some companies may have about the difference regarding web design and web development?
  • From your very expert opinion Andy, which would you rather have a website that wins artistic design awards or a website that has a high conversion rate?
  • What is your general response when you have a potential website client, who is clueless about how a website works from a technical or conversion standpoint, so they only ask about aesthetic features?
  • If your site is effective in driving business, what is your approach to addressing Google if it says that our site is slow or not optimized properly?
  • Andy, of all of the helpful articles that you’ve written, does any particular article stand out as the one that had an unusual amount of feedback, engagement, or impact?

Thanks for listening to The Business of Marketing podcast.

Feel free to contact the hosts and ask additional questions, we would love to answer them on the show.

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