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Learn how Joe Pulizzi has evolved on his content marketing journey.
In this episode of the Business of Marketing podcast, Joe Pulizzi and I discuss the meaning of the Content Entrepreneur, Joe’s businesses – the Tilt and the Content Marketing Institute, and his upcoming event – the Creator Economy Expo.
Conversation points:
- Briefly share with us, your journey in and out of the Content Marketing Institute, your books, and where you are today.
In 2017, I was a B2B Marketing Director by day. By night and for the previous years since high school, I loved creating media. From video, to audio, to written content.
I never considered bringing those two worlds together until people like Gary Vaynerchuck and Yourself Joe, began to explain how valuable non-advertising content was to business.
As a result, I launched Content Monsta, my content production agency. Then in 2018, I went to Content Marketing World and thought “I’ve found my tribe!” And I’ve spoken there every year since.
- So, speaking of “Tribe” Joe, you built an amazingly connected community through that event. Is there any secret sauce to building a community like that?
- You mentioned in your email this morning a conversation with our friend Mark Schaefer regarding “Audience vs Community”.
Last fall I had to honor of hanging out with you and your wonderful wife Pam after Content Marketing World, and you introduced me to the term “Content Entrepreneur”.
Once again Joe, you delivered a term that gave me clarity to what I was already doing.
- So, please expand on what you mean by Content Entrepreneur.
I want to be sure to mention that you have a research paper on Content Entrepreneurs.
Linked here, but also tell us where that research can be found.
- In that research on Content Entrepreneurs, were there any surprises to you? Or things that might surprise many?
Joe, you’ve been so focused on Content Marketing for a while now, long enough to see some evolution.
- What have you seen change in regard to the forms of content being produced and perhaps have become more (or less) effective for business purposes?
- You have several podcasts that you are a part of. What do you say to businesses that are just now considering podcasting?
Now Joe, let’s get into your latest ventures.
And if it sounds like I’m giving Joe the floor to do an all-out promotion… I am. And I’ll tell you why.
Because behind all of this business, I know that Joe’s a great human being, plus he gives so much, that I want to do my part to return the blessings in his direction.
- So Joe, I want to know about the Tilt, the Tilt Coin, AND how you’re using Tilt coin for your new event – the Creator Economy Expo.
Thanks for listening to The Business of Marketing podcast.
Feel free to contact the hosts and ask additional questions, we would love to answer them on the show.
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