Podcast Promotion Tips and Strategies

Podcast Promotion – 9 Tips and Strategies for Success

In Blog by A. Lee Judge

How can a creator make themselves known and maintain a regular audience through podcast promotion? With so much content flooding our social media and other digital platforms, it’s almost silly to try to maintain a podcast channel without some promotion and effective marketing. 

It’s more than likely that whatever you upload would get buried in the avalanche of content that gets uploaded every day – in fact, it’s guaranteed. That’s precisely why we are here to help you with our nine tips and strategies that are bound to lead to a successful podcast. 


Podcast Promotion

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Maintaining a Social Media Presence

Most creators use social media to stay relevant. It’s probably the best and cheapest way of doing marketing nowadays. Posting photos, videos of podcasts, and links on your social media channel helps you be seen and maintain a presence online apart from your actual content.

People are overwhelmed with the amount of input these days, and it takes a little something to remind them to tune in and listen. If you’re struggling to allocate some time every day to post new content to promote your podcast, there are scheduling apps out there that can help solve this problem.

Additionally, you could look into what kind of marketing assistance your podcast producer provides. Some will assist with creating additional content to help you maintain the social presence of your podcast.

Utilizing Guest Hosts to Promote your Podcast

A great way to liven up your content and draw in more people to listen is to invite guests over to your podcast. This guest can be another podcast host, a friend of yours, or someone who is an expert on the topic at hand.

You should be prepared to handle this and keep the conversation smooth and ongoing. Guest appearances are great for podcast promotion, and the collaboration does not have to end there. Your next step might be appearing in their show or someone else’s as well. 

You can use the opportunity of appearing as a guest in someone’s podcast to absorb some knowledge and find out how things work over there. It goes without saying that, appearing on someone else’s podcast is a great self-promotion tactic, especially if you prove to be a pleasant and gregarious guest. 

How SEO Optimization Helps Podcast Promotion

Apart from an audio recording, each podcast needs to have specific details attached to it in order to rank on search engines. Title, transcript, a proper image, and metadata are vital because they determine whether your podcast pops up in searches. 

Make sure to have an entire transcript that is optimized, not just the title, as titles can be repetitive. Images always add to content relevance online, and you should start building a brand around these.

Metadata is best described as data that gives information about other data; it’s something that describes your content fully. Including these in your podcast will help promote your work and make it more prominent in the digital world. 

Email Newsletter

A timely newsletter to announce new episodes, topics, and guests can go a long way to promote your podcast. You don’t have to be detailed in this email; you just have to give enough to pique their interest.

Show the episode image (if you do new ones for each episode) and give some hot quotes from the show. Some of your subscribers will notice this extra effort and become more invested in what you’re making. 

Don’t feel the need to force the newsletter on your audience, but have it as a consistent reminder and teaser to the projects that you will be dedicated to in the future. Here are some tips on how to create an engaging newsletter

Podcast Promotion on Your Blog

This type of marketing is especially useful for B2B (business to business) promotion because businesses usually resort to maintaining blogs about their industry and the services they provide. However, there’s no limit to what customers it can be used to attract. 

Depending on your genre and topic versatility, there may be some businesses out there that would consider a collaboration with you. If you speak “their language”, then you can both benefit from cross-platform promotion. Using links in textual content when promoting, representation on each businesses’ platforms, and mentions are all ways that both parties can benefit. 

Podcast Audiograms and Text Blasts

Audio-only podcasts can be kicked up a notch by introducing audiograms. This content form is transformed from a simple image to video with a waveform and transcription. A study has shown that movements of the wave and added text retain a lot more listeners. 

Text blasts are generated through an automated messaging system and allow you to reach a large number of people via text message. If you have a solid following already, this can be a great way to promote your podcast and remind them to tune in. 

Podcast Blog Roll

A podcast blog roll is much like an article blog roll in that it is an ever-updating list of latest content. It is a place that listeners who have not subscribed can go to view older episodes to listen to. The podcast blog roll is also a good place for visitors to share episodes.

At a minimum, your podcast blog entry should include a summary of the show, mentions of any guests, and any links that you mentioned on the episode. It is suggested that you include an entire transcript of the show. This isn’t just for the sake of readers, it assists Google in ranking your episode since the blogroll is rich in content from the transcript. Now, Google is helping you promote your podcast.

Printed Material 

Business cards, leaflets, and posters have always been one of the most productive means of marketing. As your podcast begins to take off, be sure to get professional business cards made and include your podcast on any other printed materials you have. This way, you can spread awareness of your channel when you encounter people in your target audience at social events without being overbearing.  

Website Representation

Unless you constantly have an ad blocker activated, you may have noticed headers, banners, and pop-ups featuring ads. These ads usually hover around the website, and if done well, they assert the message without being overwhelmingly bright or loud. Using ads is a great way to spread awareness to those who are not following you or the genre, but want to expand their interests. 

There are plenty more tips and strategies that would help in the digital world, but we believe that these 9 of ours are going to help an aspiring podcaster reach his or her goals. Want to learn more? Talk to a professional Content Monsta

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