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4 New Normals in Digital Marketing to Get Used To

In Blog by A. Lee Judge

The chaos that defined the year 2020 & 2021 is now behind us. We have now embraced various new cultures that we thought would be temporary, but have become the new normal. For instance, working from home and video-based schooling are not things to frown upon anymore. Though subtly, the digital marketing world too has experienced its share of disruption. Experts predicted new ways to reach an audience, but not all of us were ready for the change.

Most notably, the adoption of e-commerce was unprecedented in 2021; it is still reaping big for as long as social distancing remains a thing. As more people spent time on social media and explored new ways to find their favorite content, older technologies that marketers once overlooked got more love than ever.

Digital marketing has always been a lot more than SEO, email, and social marketing. If you appreciate this, you can now add these four techniques to the list of normal ways to reach your target market better in digital marketing 2022.

Form Trounces Function in Virtual, Digital Marketing Events

When in-person meetings became deadly dangerous in 2020 and continued to be a high risk in 2021, the next best thing was to take them virtual. Online and virtual events have become so commonplace. People no longer roll their eyes at the idea of a virtual, digital marketing event.

Statistics by Grand View Research reveal that the global virtual events market valued at US$ 77.98 billion in 2019 grew to reach US$ 94.04 billion by 2020.

Virtual events platforms are not new. However, for years, digital marketers have ignored it because most of the populace chose in-person events over virtual. Now that society has embraced virtual events as a platform to meet and exchange ideas in video and audio, marketers must follow the crowds.

In 2022, the virtual event space is going to get even more crowded as it matures. The technology to host and attend virtual events is getting cheaper and more available. It is also becoming more apparent that form will lose to function. This is because users prefer straightforward events with familiar lists they can navigate over 3D fancy recreations of real-life events.

Anyone can now create powerful presentations and host virtual events that enable users to connect and interact; digital marketing at its finest.


Remote Producers Are The New Digital Marketing Celebs

It has become the norm to see TV news anchors, tonight shows comedians, and even online lecturers to appear on screens from remote locations. Just over a year ago, this would have been unusual. But have you ever wondered how the cameras are set up and video edited in real-time to make the stream interactive and seamless? Well, this is where a remote video producer comes in.

According to statistics by Daily Esports, the value of the live streaming industry increased by 99% in 2020 from 2019. The demand for remote video producers in digital marketing rose by as much margin over the same period.

A remote video producer is a professional who ensures that a video stream is not only high-quality and seamless, but also complements a brand’s goals. When making remote presentations or hosting virtual events, digital marketers need to entrust a remote video producer to shoot, edit, and produce their video content.

Remote video producers are the latest celebrities in digital marketing. The newest trends, such as: remotely produced, moderated live video, and recorded videos rely heavily on remote video producers. Experienced remote video producers also bring original ideas to remote video production and presentation. They also help brands and marketers deliver quality content professionally within budget.

Podcasting is The New Personal Reach

It is no coincidence that The Infinite Dial reported that over 12 million people listened to a podcast for the first time in 2018. And not long after, the first-ever drop in social media usage was recorded in the US.

Since then, the gradual uptake of podcast usage has revealed many new behaviors of the modern consumer, as well as how potent audio is as a content and digital marketing avenue. According to Podcast Insights, there are over 850,000 active podcasts with over 30 million episodes in 2020.

Statista shows that about 51% of the US population age 12 and above listened to a podcast at least once in 2020. These figures are proof enough that audio is only going to get bigger, and the tools used to access it become more powerful and convenient.

Today’s marketers are best placed to take advantage of the popularity of podcasts to reach their target audiences. It is now easier than ever to create podcasts, as you wouldn’t need to be in a studio to produce quality audio content.

Some creative minds behind podcast tools such as Clubhouse and soon-to-come Facebook and Twitter audio chat rooms make it evident that the right time to dive into digital, audio marketing is now.

Podcasts may grow to become the number one way to disseminate quality information for many reasons. The most notable is that users can consume the content passively right on their devices. There are also powerful podcast tools that allow users to skim, preview, and even search audio content as they would text and images.

Slideshow Webinars are Dead

When looking to grow organic traffic, SEO remains the most potent approach to boost ranking and scale qualified traffic. In 2022 and beyond, the trend may continue, but with three significant developments:

  1. As virtual and online events become more commonplace, no one wants to watch boring slides anymore. People want to see people present their ideas. Fifty-eight percent of businesses utilize video conferencing for their everyday operations, even if their business isn’t built around it. 
  2. The acceleration and transformation of the digital world have been very disruptive. As customer demands change, their behavior also changes. People want to interact with content presenters in live Q&A or digital tête-à-tête after an event.
  3. Marketing and virtual events are becoming less formal. Event attendees expect presenters to be friendly and have their cameras on to feel present. The industry responds with new presentation capabilities that make events fun but educational, such as multiple hosts and attendee-to-attendee private interaction.


Being the best digital marketer in this digital revolution age involves playing catch-up with new technologies and marketing best practices. It’s possible for you to stay ahead of the curve and reach the widest target audience in 2022 and beyond. These four new marketing techniques are the latest tactics you should become familiar with as they become the new normals. Do you need help with and/or want to learn more about digital marketing? Contact Content Monsta for a consultation.

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