Kathy Klotz-Guest - Business of Marketing Podcast

How Businesses Can Stop Being Boring with Kathy Klotz-Guest

In The Business of Marketing Podcast by A. Lee Judge

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Kathy Klotz-Guest and A. Lee Judge talk about the importance of being yourself, and using improv as a marketing strategy to create engaging content and build reputable relationships.
I’ve done a lot of work helping executives to “Be the Content” that other’s consume. To speak on podcasts, to show up on video, to allow their personalities to show through in their leadership.
But the most popular roadblock I see, is that they find difficulty in “how” to show up… What to sound like, and actually, how to just be themselves.
Today’s guest is an expert in helping professionals “Keep It Human”, get past “Business Boring” and begin creating engaging content.
I’m excited to welcome to the show, Keynote speaker, author, creativity strategist, and Improv Comedian, Kathy Klotz-Guest!

Conversation points:

Kathy, I love it when I see people who have been able to bring their whole selves, (including their natural talents and passions) to the business world.

  • Tell me about your journey in bringing Improv Comedy into your lessons in business and marketing strategy.

Help me paint this picture Kathy… You meet with a stiff, over-jargoned executive team. That team has been tasked with being a part of the content creation process by being the experts in audio and video content.

  • You know that they and their company culture is a bit boring. Where do you start?

I’ve worked for some very, very conservative global organizations. So conservative that, showing that you have a unique personality can be seen as unprofessional.

  • How does one be more human and show more color in their personalities without crossing the line?

I was in Israel a few years ago and saw a billboard ad for English lessons. It had a picture of Samuel L. Jackson with his famous line from Pulp Fiction saying, “English Motha F… Do You Speak It!?”

This is how I feel when I’m in some business meetings.

  • When it comes to being more human in Branded Content, what do you say about Jargon?

Kathy, we’ve both been involved with teaching Content Marketing for a while and you have a book with a title that I love, ““Stop Boring Me!” How to Create Kick-Ass Marketing Content, Products and Ideas Through the Power of Improv.””

  • Tell us about the book.

Kathy, it’s been a pleasure chatting with you, but before we go, please tell us where we can find you online and even more fun, in person at one of your improves.

Thanks for listening to The Business of Marketing podcast.

Feel free to contact the hosts and ask additional questions, we would love to answer them on the show.

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