Gabrielle Dolan - Business of Marketing Podcast

Using the Art of Storytelling to Drive Business and Change with Gabrielle Dolan

In The Business of Marketing Podcast by A. Lee Judge

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Considering the world’s brief history of writing technology, it’s easy to believe that most of the world’s knowledge has been obtained through stories.

Stories have served as documentation, education, and persuasion. Today, you can’t go to a marketing event without someone teaching the art of storytelling.

Why? Because humans love stories – we just don’t all know how to communicate through stories.

And even more so, we don’t realize how, as business people, stories can be used to effectively communicate and move people to action.

My guest this episode is a global thought leader on authentic leadership and business storytelling.

She has worked with some pretty amazing organizations such as The Obama Foundation, Ernst and Young, Visa, Amazon, National Australia Bank, and Uber just to name a few.

She is also an author of 7 books and her latest, Magnetic Stories debuted at number two on Australia’s business books list.

To share insights on Storytelling for Business, I’m happy to welcome to the podcast, Gabrielle Dolan.

Conversation points:

Gabrielle, I have to admit that as a Marketer – I’ve heard many people attempt to drive home the idea of Storytelling. But the reality is that there is no doubt that business people need to understand how to tell stories more effectively.

  • Why is it so important for a business person to understand storytelling?
  • I want to get your take on storytelling by bringing some insights for both Sales professionals and Marketing professionals – separately.
  • For a Sales professional – can you give an example of how a salesperson can use Storytelling to do their job?
  • And for Marketers – beyond the cliches, they are telling a brand story. What can an individual marketer do to utilize storytelling in their job?

Brand Storytelling

When a person hears “Brand Storytelling” – they may first think of “what is the origin story” of the brand. But I’m guessing it is much more than that.

  • Please give us some insight, even a definition, of Brand Storytelling
  • Can you give us a few practical bullet points to consider when seeking to begin Brand Storytelling?
  • What about using storytelling within a company to help a leader be more effective?

Personal Branding and Storytelling

I’m preparing for a new keynote in a few weeks. The entire keynote originated from an actual series of events in my life. I look at the keynote as more of a Storytime with value. I expect that the story I share with this audience will become a pillar of my personal brand.

  • Can you give some advice to our listeners on how to tie personal stories to help them in business?
  • Can you tell me a story? I want to see a business story in action.

Thanks for listening to The Business of Marketing podcast.

Feel free to contact the hosts and ask additional questions, we would love to answer them on the show.

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