These People Made Me A Smarter Marketer in 2021

In The Business of Marketing Podcast by A. Lee Judge

Season 2 of The Business of Marketing Podcast was filled with marketing experts who shared their expertise and experience with my listeners and me. The goal of the podcast is to bring new insights to fellow marketers and a wonderful side effect of that is that I get to learn a lot too.

It was an honor to connect and learn from these top leaders, and I look forward to what next season has to offer.

Below you’ll find excerpts and links to all episodes from this season. You can watch and listen to these fun conversations.

There are topics ranging from Content Marketing to SEO to Account-Based Experience to Content Creation and more!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to level up your mind and business with information from these seasoned professionals.

How Content Marketing Became a Thing

Robert Rose of The Content Advisory joins as we discuss the evolution of Content Marketing. Robert shares how companies can become the media companies that they need to be.


Creating the Right Content and Making It Resonate

Melanie Deziel joins the podcast as we discuss how companies create genuine content when addressing topics that audiences are sensitive to.


Marketing’s Role in the Customer Experience

Andrew Davis joins the show. As a best-selling author & keynote speaker, he’s built and sold a digital marketing agency, produced for NBC, and worked for The Muppets. Today, Andrew Davis teaches business leaders how to grow their businesses, transform their cities, and leave their legacy.


Sales and Marketing – The Line Between is Blurring! Get aligned.

Pam Didner joins the podcast to discuss the blurring line between Sales and Marketing. Both Lee and Pam work to break down the silos between these two teams and discuss how the “merge” is happening whether Sales or Marketing likes it or not. Listen to the conversation and learn who is pushing back and who needs to drive the alignment.


Diving into Data for Marketers – A.I., Google Updates, and More

Christopher Penn joins the podcast to discuss diving into data for marketers. As a best-selling author & keynote speaker, he’s shared his expertise on digital marketing, marketing technology, and Artificial Intelligence on stages for companies such as IBM, Marketo, Salesforce, Hubspot and more! By the end of this podcast, I’m sure you’ll want to follow Christopher and keep learning from his insights.


The Value of Being “Known” – Personal Branding and Marketing Strategy

Mark Schaefer is our feature guest on this episode as we talk about becoming Known, Personal Branding, and Marketing Strategy. Listen in to this interview with this globally recognized author, speaker, podcaster, and business consultant. Hear life-changing stories about Lee’s own growth in personal branding and hear insights from Mark on both brand and business marketing strategy.


What Does B2B Influencer Marketing Really Mean?

Ashley Zeckman, the Vice President for Inprela Communications, is our guest on this episode as we talk about the meaning of B2B Influencer Marketing. When we first began hearing a lot about “Influencer Marketing” it conjured up images of beautiful people who happened to be showing us their favorite clothing, shoes, beverage, vacation spot, or even their toothpaste. Today, we know that influencer marketing is much more. Especially for B2B.


Virtual Marketing as a New Normal – Tips to do it well with Brian Fanzo

One of the biggest pivots for marketers in the past year was learning how to do more virtually. While some have tried to re-invent their marketing and events in a virtual world, some have attempted to do the same thing, but virtually. Listen in while I discuss with Brian Fanzo how to adjust to virtual marketing.


Influence vs Influencer Marketing with Jason Falls

In this episode, Jason Falls helps us to understand the difference between “Influence” Marketing vs “Influencer” marketing and give some insight into how that relates to traditional PR. Jason is an award-winning strategist noted as a top influencer in the social technology and marketing space.


Bringing Innovative Change within Your Company – featuring guest Carla Johnson

World-renowned author, storyteller, and entertaining speaker, Carla Johnson joins the podcast this episode. We talk about how to re-think innovation, how great leaders and brands innovate, and how to utilize a customer-centric approach to innovate in the right direction.


Keeping Marketing Agencies Honest with Doug Kessler

The Co-Founder of Velocity Partners, an ubiquitous speaker at marketing events, as well as a prolific writer on all things marketing, content, tech, strategy, and creativity… Doug Kessler joins the podcast this episode. We talk about agencies and marketing in general through the lenses of ability and honesty.


Marketing’s Job Functions and Creating Social Objects with Keith Jennings

The Vice President of community impact for Jackson Healthcare, a writer, and Marketing & Business professional guru, Keith Jennings joins the podcast this episode. We discuss how Marketers can deliver on the functional elements of Marketing while using all of the Marketing Tech tools at our disposal.


How to Build a Digital Brand with Juntae DeLane

A sought-after strategist, thought-leader, influencer, the Founder & CEO at Digital Delane, and the Founder of Digital Branding Institute, Juntae DeLane joins the podcast this episode. Juntae shares his expertise to help us gain clarity and learn more about Digital Branding.


Using the Art of Storytelling to Drive Business and Change with Gabrielle Dolan

A global thought leader on authentic leadership and business storytelling; an author of 7 books and her latest, Magnetic Stories debuted at number two on Australia’s business books list, Gabrielle Dolan joins the podcast this episode. Gabrielle shares her expertise and insight on Storytelling for Business.


Beyond ABM and into Account-Based Experience (ABX) with Jon Miller of Demandbase

Joining the podcast is Jon Miller – the Chief Marketing and Product Officer at Demandbase, a leading account-based marketing platform. We talk MarTech, Account-Based Marketing and Jon speaks on a new strategy called Account-Based Experience.


SEO for Content, Media, and Web Development with Steve Wiideman

Known to many as “SEO Steve” this Digital Marketer, is also a Multi-Location SEO Expert, an Adjunct Professor, and Author, Steve Wiideman joins the podcast this episode. Steve shares his expertise on all things SEO.

Every episode has delivered gems, so be sure to listen and follow on your favorite podcast listening platform.

The Advantage of Executive Led Video Content

The Advantage of Executive Led Video Content

Unlock the full potential of your brand with executive-led video content, a powerful tool proven to build credibility and drive engagement. Discover how thought leadership videos not only boost visibility but also influence buyer behavior, securing a competitive edge in the B2B sector.

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